And so here we are. Twenty nine days and thirty-two posts later, my February Project draws to a close. I've fulfilled my "at least one post per day for the month of February" goal and overshot it by a few posts when I was evidently feeling somewhat ambitious. I'd like to think a good number of my posts were actually somewhat interesting, rather than being filler, but it will be nice to get rid of the to think of something to post about and actually spend the time writing it before midnight. I have to admit that I've been glad to have a few things pop up (like last night's floor hockey game) to help me come up with something the past few days, but overall, I'm happy with the results.
Some of the posts could have been improved if I'd had a bit more time to work on them, but I tend to write these in a pretty stream-of-consciousness fashion anyway, so I can't be sure if that's actually true. What surprised me the most, I think, is that once I committed to doing it for an hour or so a day, it got really rather easy. The days I had trouble were those days I'd planned poorly, and when I just kept putting it off. Aside from the Diary of the Dead post, I was never really aware of writing all that much, and yet all of these posts seem to be interminable. Hopefully they brought you, the reader, an interesting perspective. I hope I'll be able to keep this up and post pretty regularly, because I have gotten some positive feedback and just like having new content, but I may take a bit of a break from it for the next few days, just to let everything settle down. Unless I find something that's actually really interesting, in which case, it'll be right back to this.
I failed to make any new videos, but a good part of that was due to me losing my camera for about three weeks of the month. I'll try to get another one of those up soon, but I'll be playing around with editing those anyway, so it'll happen when it happens.
So yes. February Project Complete. It's going to be a little sad to not include "The February Project" in the labels, though I suppose that was never really all that necessary given that clicking on "February 08" gives the same effect. I still have some work to do tonight before heading out, so I think I shall try to accomplish that now. Stay tuned for more Murphspot.
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